Ice and Water Underlayment

What is ice and water shield underlayment?

Ice and water shield is a fully adhered underlayment that must be applied to low sloped roofs that measure under a 4/12 pitch. But is also used on many roofs no matter what the slope for the added protection. This is to help resist wind driven rain and water backed up due to ice build up at the edge of the roof causing melting water to dam up (Ice Dam) and not allowing to drain off the roof properly. This backed up water can leak into your home, causing major damage to walls, ceilings, insulation, and other areas of your home.

Large Ice Dam hanging Over A Roof.

Depending on the manufacturer Ice and water shield is usually composed of a rubber membrane and a slip-resistant coating. This helps with water resistance rating and also helps the roofers move around more safely while installing the roofing product.

It is extremely versatile and can be installed under a variety of roofing products such as asphalt shingles, composition shingles, architectural shingles, tile, slate, metal panels, and standing seam roofing systems. It is usually 3 ft. wide and is distributed in 1–2 sq rolls in our area.

Ice and Water Location

What benefits does ice and water shield have?

  • Seals around fasteners: Due to the rubberized membrane, it resists leakage where nails have penetrated the surface of the membrane.
  • Adhesion to the decking: It firmly bonds to the decking of the roof without heat or special adhesive. ( please make sure deck is extremely clean)
  • Watertight lapping: All overlaps in the product make for a water tight bond due to the adhesive backing and rubber membrane construction.
  • Protects decking: Protecting the deck under all types of roofing materials, slopes, and fasteners.
  • Potentially re-roofable: Due to the rubberized nature of the product, it can potentially be reroofed and could be left in place after tear-off of a roof surface. ( In my experience this is extremely hard to pull off and re surfacing with new Ice and Water shield is very common)
 Ice and Water comes in 3 ft. Rolls Generally

Ice and water shields can be required by local building codes!

If you have a manufactured home ice and water shield is mandatory to pass code in Clark County Washington. Here is a link to our local roofing code. Any roof under a 4/12 pitch is also in need of ice and water shield.

Looking for a new roof or a tear off and reinstallation in the Vancouver, WA area?

If you are seeking a roof replacement and would like a FREE ESTIMATES, please do not hesitate to reach us at 360-869-1141 or request one online

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