Top Clark County & Multnomah County Storm Tips for your roof!
Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I got to talking with family about the Columbus day storm that happened on October 12, 1962. This storm was a massive one, that hit the California, Oregon and Washington Coastlines very hard and brought severe wind to the Portland Oregon and Vancouver Washington areas and many other populated cities in our region.
This talk of how bad the storm was got me thinking about the roofing in the area and how that wind must have taken a huge toll on it. I wonder if a Storm were to hit us, if people are prepared or can get prepared enough to protect their home and business roofs?
All County Roofing is your top roofing contractor for the cities of Clark County and Multnomah County as well as some areas of Clackamas and Cowlitz Counties.
Let’s take a look and 7 different ways you can protect your roofing and have peace of mind next time Mother Nature decides to bore down on our community.
With the technological advancements in weather forecasting and Doppler imaging the weather guys we used to take for granted have become fairly accurate, and most likely you will know if there is a giant storm coming our way.
When the heavy wind starts to wail in Vancouver, WA or Portland, OR anything that is not nailed down will begin to take flight. These objects (roofing, gutters, trash can lid, tree limbs, etc.) can be ripped from your own home, fly off other residents and become dangerous projectiles causing mass damage to people, structures, automobiles and other things you can think of. It is a dangerous situation any way you look at it.Here are a few tips to get you started on protecting your home and roofing.
1) Exterior Prep: Look at the roof and see if there is anything up there that could be ripped off it and remove it safely. Satellites, Weather vane, and TV antennae are common items damaged by heavy wind and storms.
In the Pacific Northwest we are fortunate enough that these type of storms are far and few between, and most homes don’t have window shutters but if you do, make sure they are securely shut and locked in. If shutters are not at your disposal, then some plywood securely placed over windows will just be added protection from high-speed wind missiles heading toward your home.
Last but not least clean those gutters. It is a pet peeve of mine to see water pouring over the edge of a gutter. And if we are expected to receive a small lake worth of moisture in a few days, you should probably make sure they are draining correctly, or you could have more than just some storm damage. It can seriously damage the roof from backed-up water.
2) Property Prep: By securing outside belongings ahead of the storm you save yourself a major headache later, by not having to search your neighborhood for your lawn chairs and other fun stuff. Furniture, tools, and other items that you suspect of being able to fly away should be tethered down securely — another thing to think about if you can trim back any tree limbs that could pose a threat to your home or roofing. I have seen it too many times when the wind has caused limb damage to roofs for not being trimmed away from home.
3) Insurance Knowledge: This one is kind of a big deal. Before any wind or rain make sure you know exactly what your homeowners, renters, and automobile insurance will cover in case of the act of nature storm damage does occur. Make sure your insurance agent is on speed dial and that you have contacted them and have discussed these items with them, so you’re on the same page.
4) Personal Safety: You wouldn’t believe how many accidents happen during these large-scaled storms because of human error. Please be safe out there. Protect yourself and family to the best of your ability, and if they say stay inside, please do that. Don’t be a hero trying to tie down a play structure or umbrella in the middle of a storm.
Heavy wind and rain can do some major damage. Its best if you can prepare for what’s to come.
Post-Storm As the mighty storm passes hopefully, we have not seen much damage in the area. If you have unfortunately received any damage or your neighbors, have maybe these next few items can be of some assistance in your recuperation.
5) Damage Report: Now that the wind and rain have receded take a stroll along the property check your roofing and siding. Make sure all the gutters are still intact and if you have a chimney make sure it’s still up there as well. If you have missing shingles or gutters, make sure and get a contractor there as soon as you can to fix the issues.
All County Roofing is your top Vancouver Washington roofing replacement contractor. Our LOWEST prices in the area and superior roofing standards has us in high demand. Call today to schedule a free estimate!
6) Insurance Report: If there is damage make sure and get the insurance agent notified as soon as you can and they will help you on the right path. Make sure you are detailed as possible about post-storm damage, ask them as many questions as you need to until you feel comfortable with the situation. Save all your receipts for any repairs that have been or will be made. And remember it is their job to make it right for you, that’s why we pay for insurance.
7) Final Roofing Inspection: Once all the craziness of the storm and recovery has gone, one final roofing inspection should be done. Make sure all your vents are still in good shape. Sometimes when the wind gets up there and blows hard, it can damage many different objects in the roofing system.
Check all your box vents, pipe vents, ridge venting if you have that, make sure all caulking is still intact and not cracked, check all gutters for debris and once everything is checked on the outside check inside the attic for any moisture. Leaks can be sneaky.
And always remember that ALL COUNTY ROOFING has you covered.
Please call us with any question you might have about securing your roof or if you need a free roofing estimate.